If you want information about returning textbooks you just purchased, visit our Returns page. If you no longer need your textbook, sell it at our Book Buyback!

Our Buyback program helps us build our used book inventory, which helps students save money.

How the Book Buyback program works

Bring textbooks you would like to sell to the bookstore during store hours, and we’ll check if we are buying them back. Buyback is cashless, so you’ll need to bring a debit card to process the payment. You’ll also need to bring your Student ID card.

Book Buyback FAQs

If your question isn’t answered below, send it to bookstore@macewan.ca. We’d be happy to answer it.

What books do you buy back?

All current edition textbooks required for the upcoming term(s) at MacEwan and for an international used book wholesaler.

How much will I get for my books?

If your book is needed at MacEwan, we’ll buy it for up to 50% of our new retail price. If we don’t need it, but another Canadian university does, you’ll get up to 40% of their current new price. These rates apply regardless of whether you purchased a new or used copy of the book. If we’re passing your book onto a wholesaler, you’ll get the national wholesale value for it.

What condition do my books need to be in?

Books should be in reasonable condition; the cover should still be attached, the spine intact, and no missing pages. In textbooks, highlighting, notes and markings on the pages are fine, as long as they don’t affect the legibility of the text. Workbooks and study guides, however, are typically only purchased back if they are free of all markings.

Why won't you buy back my book?

There are a few reasons we may be unable to purchase your textbook back:

  • The book has not been readopted for the upcoming term(s)
  • The edition of the textbook has changed, or the book is now out of print
  • The course using the particular textbook is not being offered next term
  • We (or our partners) are overstocked on that specific title
Can I sell books at buyback that I purchased used?

Yes! It doesn’t matter if you purchased your textbook new or used; as long as the textbook is in demand and in reasonable condition, we will buy it back.
